-Known Biblical Events
Description |
Passage |
Creation |
Adam and Eve |
Fall of Man |
Cain and Abel |
Noah and the |
Flood |
Moses' Birth |
Moses and the Burning Bush |
Plagues on |
Exodus of the Hebrews Slaves out of |
Passover |
Joshua and the |
David and Goliath |
Daniel in the Lion's Den |
Jonah and the Fish |
Baptism of Jesus |
Temptation of Jesus |
Sermon on the Mount |
Jesus Calms the Storm |
Fisherman's Net |
Transfiguration of Jesus |
Crucifixion of Jesus |
Death of Jesus |
Jesus Before Pilate |
Resurrection of Jesus |
Jesus' Triumphal entry into |
Birth of Jesus |
Catch of Fish |
Zacchaeus |
Judas Betrays Jesus |
Last Supper |
Resurrection of Jesus |
Jesus Clears the |
Water Made into Wine |
Woman at the Well |
Pentecost and the Holy Spirit |
Shipwreck of Paul |